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DeMYTHification is THE #1 Problem Solving Strategy - the only strategy that transforms ALL my clients, their spouses and employees without fail. For over a decade I've being successfully coaching entrepreneurs and executives on how to be at peace, live a fulfilled life, manage emotions more intelligently and run their businesses and romantic relationships more effectively. Let me help you too.

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Suffering is a choice!

Suffering is a choice!

Chose your well-being and peace of mind!
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Make a difference!

Make a difference!

Live meaningful and purposeful life!
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Spread joy & love!

Spread joy & love!

Support those who you care about!
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Deepen your knowledge!

Deepen your knowledge!

Learn from other practitioners and prosper!
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Ancestral, Multi-system & Multi-Dimensional Constellation – healing through morphic field corrections and exclusions resolution

I am happy to share with you that I launch a new series of workshops and now you not only can attend them, but also bring them to your communities: Ancestral, Multi-system & Multi-Dimensional Constellation – healing through morphic field corrections and exclusions resolution. read more

How to Sustain Romantic Relationships and Marriages If Love IS Just Not Enough

If I were to pick one main reason why couples break up, without going philosophical on you 🙂 or touching metaphysical realm, and just look at practical aspect of relationships, I would suggest this simple idea:

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The Abstract Art of Alternative Art Therapy

art therapy san francisco california

Let yourself be…
Let them be in not knowing.
and remain quite, undisturbed …
and if you can – that’s true love.

The role of the art is to transform…
The goal of art therapy work is to transform.

So, contact me and transform…

Coaching tip: Business success and boundaries of self-definition

Video from our Daily Meditations series: “Business success and boundaries of self definition – coaching tips by Olga Kostrova”.

Keep you eyes on the road and hold the handlebars steady

Once in a while someone (a client, a fan, a friend) sends me a poem…

And here was shared with me today, and what I want to share with you, lovers…

If, O mind, you want to ride
first, tie your loincloth well
With sincerity
You will succeed

Putting one foot on the pedal
With a read more

Is This What’s Passing for The American Dream? How We Can Cut Right Through Chaos to Find Cool

What do you imagine as the reason movies these days are so intense, music so loud, lyrics so crude, news so sensational, distractions so common? These are the questions we grapple with in the response-ability to remove the roots of violence in our world.

I wonder why cruelty today passes for pornography? read more

On Feeling Alive, Being Productive & At Peace: What Is Missed In The Coarseness Of Experiences

Once in a while I am blessed with beautiful letters from my clients. I am moved to share one I received today (with the client’s permission).


“Our talk today was very helpful to me. I see that i am creating read more

Our Visit with Psychic Surgeon John Of God In Abadiania, Brasil. The Miracle Man at Casa de Dom Inácio de Loyola

john of god abadiania brasil miracle man spiritual sergeries 2

So, we are on our way to Rio, waiting for our flight… Brazil was on my (and, as I later found out, on Jan’s) “places to visit” list for quite a while. We were seduced by its world famous Carnival and lively traditions of music, dance and food.
This year the amazing country persuaded read more

Tantra Lounge – Sex Talk Radio: How to have better love relationship and fulfilling sex life

Want a world that is less violent and more loving? Looking for ways to release stress, eliminate tension and troubles from your life and have better love relationship and sex life? Tantrica and The PhysioEmoDynamics Institute
founder Olga
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Video: Procrastination – Practical & Spiritual Aspects. Why do I procrastinate? How can I end procrastination?

“When faced with two equally tough choices, most people choose the third choice: to not choose.” So go our independent, individual lives. The PhysioEmoDynamics Institute’s work with people living in two or more minds, is to melt the separations and connect them with what they really love.

Our read more